The elephant in the room. The question that is firmly on everyone's mind. It's an easy one too. Just look at your team and see that high scoring, 99% owned midfielder. The one, the only, Mo Salah. Now with the season only five weeks long, where does the seven come from? It is easy actually. That is the number of fixture that other FPL assets have as compared to the little ole 5 that Mo has. The only tough pill to swallow is watching all that retained value get flushed down the toilet from all the gains that Salah has garnered to this point from when you bought him. I say soooo what! You don't need it. Going into a thumb wrestling battle with 20% more thumbs is a win my friends. So with the double gameweek her and staring us clear in the mug the term for this week is there are no allegiances anymore on your team. The template is gone. the options are a cornucopia of abundance just one click away for you to delve into the depths of differentials. The transfers of titulations. You get the point. Be different this week, don't go for the most popular guy, but if you are sans chips left transfer wise because 7 fixtures is better than 5. Cheers!
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